Leather and workmanship
Control, quality and certification.
The quality of leather is essential to the realization of a watch strap. So ilcinturino.it is always ready to offer its customers the finest leathers, in line with our policy of high quality. Who buys on ilcinturino.it is sure to receive a product made from certain materials, certificates, selected and controlled (Washington Convention). Among the various kinds of leather are worth note the alligator leather (large flake), the croco side leather (rounded flake of adult crocodile), the calf, eco tanned in barrels or in pit, the ostrich, the lizard and the shark. The manufacture of our leather is always handmade and this allows to combine the style and detail of these precious exotic skins from around the world, with the Made in Italy manufacturing tradition stricter and better.Among the various types of leather are worth a note the alligator (large-scale), the side (round shell of adult crocodile), the ostrich, lizard, shark and of course leather with all its facets. Processing of all our leather is always handmade and the union of the exotic shape of these fine leathers from around the world, with manufacturing tradition, rigorous and quality of "Made in Italy" are born these high quality products that we they have become famous in the field